Life Goals

Setting important life goals are a must. Here is a brief checklist of some of the tasks you may want to complete during your life:

__ Enrol in a local first aid course. It may be already too late when you find a person very dear to you lying on the floor with a heart attack, so don't delay on this one. Also useful for yourself when you go camping, for example.

__ Write down your life goals, as it can make the difference between whether you can accomplish them or not. Set deadlines for them. Write general and specific goals for each category.

__ Act on the life goals that you have set for yourself. For example, if you want to get married, go out and try to meet people.

__ Get a yearly medical examination.

__ Do some exercise. Choose exercise that you like so that you stick with it. Of course, you can always vary it.

__ Try out something new every now and then just to learn about another aspect of life.

__ Build and nurture strong relationships with fellow humans as an integral part of your life goals. Do not neglect to spend time with loved ones. Remember everyone who helped you.

__ Remember to remind yourself occasionally of the big picture in every situation.

__ Don't forget to keep records of various events or happenings in your life when the time is suitable. For example, you may want to write down something that happened to you, or something you learned one day, or at a particular event. You may want to pack along your camcorder or your camera to an event.

__ In general, strive for balance and moderation in life. Sometimes, you may want to be a little more extreme in some areas, but in general, strive for balance.

__ Do not be afraid to be yourself. Not to urge you to be rude, of course, but to be someone who is not afraid to be unique, to do something a little bit different no matter what others say.

__ Take time to relax, to do nothing, and just to enjoy yourself.

Remember to set both long-term and short-term life goals. Your life's goals should be balanced and reflect what you would like to get out of life.

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